
Captain Sailnator wants to show the Quick-turn to the audience today. For that Jenny and Tom will sail a circle around Captain Sailnator’s powerboat. But they are not allowed to move with the stern through the wind. Jibing is forbidden.

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Captain Sailnator fears for his anchor chain, when Jenny heads towards it on course close-hauled. But she bears away confidently to beam reach, then to broad reach and finally to running. To get around the stern of the powerboat Jenny would have to jibe now. But that was not allowed. So she tries it again. Captain Sailnator proposes to tack by the anchor. But even after this manoeuvre Jenny comes back sailing downwind and would have had to jibe to get back to the powerboat.

Now Captain Sailnator takes the command and shows his two sailing students how it is done. After sailing to the anchor on close-hauled they are told to bear away to broad reach. If they are at same height as the stern of the powerboat they head up to close-hauled again and tack. After that they bear away immediately as far as necessary to pass the stern of the powerboat.

There we go, landlubbers. Captain Sailnator is satisfied and happy that he cannot forget his buoy today because it is not in the water. He moves full steam ahead but the boat gets stuck suddenly. He has forgotten to hoist the anchor. Now he can only hope that nobody saw his misfortune.

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All videos: Leaving the dock | Points of Sail | Tacking | Beating | Berthing | Quick-turn | Sailing up head to wind | Man overboard | Jibing | Heaving-to

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